Sunday, December 16, 2007

sea of words

Well, here's my contribution to the swirling sea of words. I'm not feeling terribly inspired tonight after having my brain on overdrive interpreting for 10 hours straight, but what the heck, why not create a blogspot? While I'm at work I will occasionally check friends' blogs and then click on their friends and get caught up in the stories and lives of people I don't even know. This story is mine, and while every moment isn't titillating and dramatic, I think over all it's interesting enough. There's just enough heart break, tears, plot twists, and quirky characters to make each day a surprise and to keep me curious as to what's going to happen next. For now I'm going to post my latest musings in the form of what may end up being a song.
I'm gonna climb
To a place I've never been before
So high, I'm dizzy trying to breathe this new air
I'm gonna look down
To an ocean filled with my tears
Dive in, and swim naked in the waters of my freedom
I'm so lost and I don't even care
Nothing to hold on to
Nothing familiar here
Nothing to hold me back from who I really am
I am alone now
Feeling at home in my skin
And I can't tell you where I end and the universe begins
Cause I'm so lost and I don't even care
Blind was I
Living someone else's dream
Tossed on the sea
By wind and waves
But then I woke up
And tasted the bitter fruit
Of living a lie and someone else's truth
It's so beautiful here
I never want to leave
But my demons are chasing me, trying to pull me back
Oh, but I'm stronger now
Something has been made new
And I won't go back to where I stood
Not very long ago
Cause I'm so lost and I don't even care
I'm so lost and I don't even care...

1 comment:

neutral said...

I am delighted to see that you have begun your journey via blogspot. Thanks for letting me know! See you in cyberspace...